
525,600 minutes

How do you measure a year? (gotta love 'RENT')

November 6th 2011 marked one year since I lost my job. I had a list of goals I wanted to accomplish if I were to ever become unemployed including: Zumba every day, take Savannah to and from school ON TIME each and every day, lose weight, have a squeaky- clean house, go to school to become a nurse, prepare and cook nearly all meals at home, and not miss any more moments with Jason and our girls. I am sad to say that I have only done about 2 of the things on my list; start school and not miss any more family moments. But, I am happy for the memories we have made over the past year. We are so blessed and have so much to be thankful for and for once, I am not too busy working to enjoy it all.

Looking back on the past 525,600 minutes I can't believe how fast they went by. Not going to give up on my list though because it's better late than never!

Looking ahead to the next year (and beyond) I still have much to look forward to and will be working on accomplishing goals from the first year.

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